Center SAGAMIE invites you to the launch of Magali Baribeau-Marchand and Charles Sagalane's micro-publishing Les miscellanées d'une Bibliothèque de survie on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 5 pm. Their micro-publishing, in the form of five booklets, is a quilt cobbled together from altered books, removed from the weather of islands and capes. These fragments, more or less warped, moldy and burnt, become the springboard for renewed writing and iconography, exploring territories both real and fabricated.

Boreal herbal teas and brewing surprises will be on the menu for this geopoetic launch!

Magali Baribeau-Marchand

Working in the field of visual arts, Magali Baribeau-Marchand's practice probes and explores the infra-ordinary weave that acts on our perception of everyday life, focusing on the phenomena of appearance and disappearance that make it up. She explores the affective and performative potential of objects, which she gathers, agglomerates, accumulates and organizes by hybridizing different media (installation, video, print). Over the past ten years, she has participated in local and international artist residencies (Caravansérail, Centre SAGAMIE, Est-Nord-Est, CALQ in Belgium, AIR Karelia in Russia and FRAC Alsace/Langage Plus in France). Her work has been shown in solo exhibitions at Galerie POPOP, Centre Bang and Langage Plus, as well as in various group shows and art events in Quebec and abroad. Winner of the Bourse d'études supérieures en arts visuels Yvonne L. Bombardier Graduate Scholarship in Visual Arts in 2022, she recently completed a Master's degree in Art at UQAC.

Charles Sagalane

Charles Sagalane sees himself as an indisciplinary writer: he cheats literature with a variety of artistic practices, such as installation, performance, photography and Land Art. He has published seven works with Editions La Peuplade, all of which go beyond the book in their own way. As an artist of the land, he integrates walking, canoeing, bivouacking and wild gathering into his creative process. His Bibliothèque de survie, which he has been running since 2013, hijacks the practice of public lending and reading in favor of a geopoetic installation from which he draws publications, interactions with the public, creative collaborations and literary experiments. With a decolonial vision, he forms a duo with multidisciplinary artist Amélie Courtois from Mashteuiatsh. For him, the school environment is a creative laboratory, where he conducts long-term projects at all levels (Cégep de Jonquière, Pensionnat SNM d'Outremont, École Albert-Naud d'Alma). His work and interventions are widely known in Quebec and abroad (France, Switzerland, Romania, Japan, among others). He won the CALQ Artist of the Year award at Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean 2022.