Baptiste Grison's artistic practice is closely linked to the experience of the land, in particular that of maritime Quebec, which he tirelessly explores through walking. Always on the lookout for anomalies, paradoxes, missed opportunities and unfulfilled destinies, he seeks to capture this ill-defined space that bridges the gap between a physical geography and the story that is lived, or imagined, there. Primarily photographic at first, his work now focuses more broadly on digital imagery through video installations, interactive web projects and experimental cinema.

In recent years, he has developed several artistic collaborations with the scientific research world—oceanographers, botanists, historians—so much so that he now holds a position as Arts-Science Curator at the Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (UQAR), where he develops projects related to the oceans and climate change. He holds a M.F.A. from Université Laval and lives and works in Le Bic.