Silent Fall — Becoming Bird / Convertirse en ave
Dominique Paul
Chantal Pontbriand and Ayelet Danielle Aldouby
French, English and Spanish
Case binder
22.8 cm × 29.2 cm

Silent Fall — Becoming Bird / Convertirse en ave

Since 2012, the artist has taken us on a journey from New York to Suriname, from performance to the studio, and humorously examines our increasingly unequal relationships with the living. The authors brilliantly introduce us to the journey and experiences of a social art artist. This monograph will accompany the exhibition Silent Fall at the Art Museum of the Americas, Washington, DC, in 2023.

Excerpt from the text by Chantal Pontbriand :

Thus, in this upcoming series of dresses, triggered by a face-to-face encounter with the hyper-city of New York, Paul goes from metamorphosis to metamorphosis, exploring with her body, through the environments she passes through, the issues of contemporaneity. One "skin" disintegrates to make room for another, another self, and another world, as seen through a dimension of the universe of which each dress is the signal, the pointer or the marker. The process, mutation in arthropod obliges, is "regulated by the hormones", namely in this case of figure, by the affects triggered in a performative way.

Excerpt from Ayelet Danielle Aldouby's text:

Dominique Paul enhances the role of the artist in the 21st century with his ability to integrate art education into his process, raising awareness of inequities and encouraging those involved to use the artistic process, and also with his ability to "restructure visual reality" as a sustainable model for civic action. Paul personifies the expanded role of the social artist who is also a "scholar-philosopher-artisan" and acts as an agent of change.

Dominique Paul

Dominique Paul was born in Montreal and studied for her MFA in Australia and obtained her PhD from UQAM. A multidisciplinary artist, she creates body and image exoskeletons, and sometimes wearable interactive devices, to address societal issues such as rising social inequality, environmental degradation and the decline of biodiversity. She is represented by a gallery in New York.

Chantal Pontbriand

Chantal Pontbriand is a museologist, strategic planning expert, exhibition and event curator, and essayist in the field of contemporary art. Her work explores issues of globalization and artistic heterogeneity. She has curated numerous international events, exhibitions, festivals and conferences. She has received several awards, including the Governor General's Award of Canada, for her outstanding contribution to the visual and media arts.

Ayelet Danielle Aldouby

Ayelet Danielle Aldouby is a public art and social practice curator whose research focuses on the ethics of care in participatory art practices. She teaches community arts in the Art & Art Education program at Teachers College, Columbia University.

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