Singing off-piste
Kathy Kennedy
Kathy Kennedy, Nicola Oddy, Martín Rodríguez, Catherine Russell, Victoria Stanton
French and English
German binding
22.86 cm × 17.78 cm

Singing off-piste

This book takes a retrospective look at the work of Kathy Kennedy, who for over three decades has offered a singular approach to sound art. Her creations draw on classical music as well as the visual arts.

Essentially, Kennedy's creations embody alternative ways of embracing the practice of singing. Over the years, the artist has studied, explored and pushed the boundaries of vocal art, creating works that focus on singing as a means of self-discovery and transformation, as well as a social tool that can contribute to community-building. Rejecting the traditional posture of singer/songwriter, Kennedy's compositions are grounded in inclusivity, the exploration of personal identity in public space, and environmental awareness.

Since this book is all about auditioning, there are numerous links to audiovisual documents bearing witness to the works mentioned. In addition, three specialists have written on key pieces from the artist's repertoire.

Many people claim to have been influenced by the events surrounding Kenney's work, both in their own creative journeys and in their relationships with the community, so this book recounts a creative adventure whose seeds have been sown in the hope that others will follow.

Kathy Kennedy

Kathy Kennedy is a sound artist trained in visual arts and classical singing. Her artistic practice usually involves the voice and questions of interface with technology, often using telephony or radio transmission. Her work engages with public and physical space through the voice. She is also involved in community art and is one of the founders of the feminist digital media center Studio XX (now Ada-X), as well as the innovative women's choral group Choeur Maha. Her large-scale sound installations/performances for numerous singers and radio stations, known as "sound choreographies," as well as the HMMM series, have been presented worldwide. Ms. Kennedy currently teaches music at Concordia University in Montreal. Heavily influenced by the deep listening practice of composer Pauline Oliveros, she is a certified instructor. She frequently gives lectures and workshops on listening techniques, acoustic ecology and vocal improvisation, and brings people together to sing in old and new ways.

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