Presente : Pasado/Futuro 02
Ed Pien
Catherine Sicot, Renée van der Avoird and Dannys Montes de Oca Modera
French, English and Spanish
Catherine Sicot
German binding
29.8 cm × 22.8 cm

Presente : Pasado/Futuro 02

9 years later...

This long-term project began in November 2014. With artist Ed Pien and 13 elders from the community of San Agustín, Cuba. They explore the notion of time, and the impact of time on the lives of each of them.

In the almost ten years since this project began, many major events have taken place. Despite all the challenges, the pandemic has brought out the best in many people, their ability to take action to help their families, friends and communities. As well, some continued to advance the cause of human rights, justice, peace and equality. And in the midst of all this, time continued its inexorable progression, the traces of which we all bear.

In the second volume of Present: past / future, we pay tribute to those who have left us: Ana, Eva, Gladys, Mercedes, Roland and Santos, and we celebrate those who, with patience and generosity, have committed themselves to continuing this exploration of time: Barroso, Clementina, Eloina, Marcelino, Sylvia, Walfrido and Zonia.

Ed Pien

Ed Pien received his BFA from Western University and his MFA from York University. His work has been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; the Goethe Institute, Berlin; the Art Gallery of Ontario; the Musée des beaux-arts and Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; the Songzhuang Art Centre, Beijing; and the National Gallery of Canada. Major exhibitions include the Sydney and Moscow Biennials, and Oh Canada at MASS MoCA. Pien teaches part-time in the Visual Studies Department at the University of Toronto. He is represented by Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain, Montreal; Birch Contemporary, Toronto; and Galerie Maurits van de Laar, The Hague.

Catherine Sicot

Catherine Sicot is the founder and director of Elegoa Cultural Productions, a social enterprise of artistic production that contributes to the development of innovative and engaged communities. She has been an international curator and cultural entrepreneur in the visual arts for over 15 years.

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