Moitié Moitié
20,00 $
Mylène Bouchard
German binding
7 x 9 in.

Moitié Moitié

Creation is a state of mind.

Spirit as in who appears, who haunts, who takes on several faces, who does not announce himself, who holds the gaze, who is tenacious and without pity, as in ghost.

To write about creation, I could not think of anything better than to find the state that allows one to create. To provoke it, by gathering the conditions that one considers likely to bring about creation: For one, drinking too much coffee or mint tea, soaking up alcohol, or sleeping less and less as the deadline approaches, getting down to work at the very moment when you should be getting under the sheets; for another, staring at the void for hours, thinking that it's making concrete progress (but it isn't) or waiting until the last minute before committing yourself (like I'm doing now, in fact I'm late and I'm taking it on).

Create in discipline or in disobedience.
Create in expectation or in agitation.
Create in confidence or in fear.
Create in confusion or in power.


- Extract from the text Moitié Moitié by Mylène Bouchard

CREATE is a cross-residency program between Centre SAGAMIE and five artist-run centres located in different regions of Quebec, the Maritimes and Ontario. This program involves a period of research/creation residency in each of the partner centres.


Caroline Fillion, Sara Létourneau, Laura Demers, Payam Mofidi, Lucas Blais Gamache and Marika Drolet-Ferguson.

Partner centres

Le Labo (Toronto), Oboro (Montreal), Atelier Silex (Trois-Rivières), Imago (Moncton) and Centre SAGAMIE (Alma).


Mylène Bouchard is the literary director of Éditions La Peuplade and a writer. Her books challenge dominant thought patterns, reinventing risk and the adventure of life. Her most recent novel, L'imparfaite amitié, published in the winter of 2017, was also a finalist for the Governor General's Literary Award and received the Joseph S. Stauffer Award. Her first book of poetry, Les décalages contraires, was published in September 2019.

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