Maryse Goudreau
Pablo Rodrigez, Guy Sioui Durand, Adrienne Luce & Michel Campeau
French and English
Case binder
9 x 11 in.


This monograph by artist Maryse Goudreau offers a journey covering three years of production in which, as her research progressed, the wharves became an emblematic testing ground. The obsolescence, even the disappearance of several wharves along the Canadian coastline served as a lead for her to create an analogy with photographic processes that are becoming extinct. She has set in motion various interventions that question the identity of a population that is turning its back on its Atlantic dimension. The authors Michel Campeau, Adrienne Luce, Guy Sioui Durand and Pablo Rodriguez take a sociological look at the intentions behind the artist's interventions. The work proposes a reflection on the importance of the place of social cohesion that the quays represent in coastal communities. Maryse Goudreau's practice includes interventions, installations and site-specific works for which photography is the starting point.

Maryse Goudreau

Maryse Goudreau studied photography at the Cégep de Matane and returned to the early processes of photography through further studies at the Center for Alternative Photography (New York). She has presented her work in several exhibitions in different regions of Quebec. Most of her recent work, however, is not designed to be presented in a showroom.

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