Greatist Hitz
Sadko Hadzihasanovic
Ingrid Mayrhofer (Ontario)
French and English
German binding
9 x 6.75 in.

Greatist Hitz

The artist's recent works presented in this book are inspired by imagery from Western culture accompanied by autobiographical traces of his past life in his home country, Yugoslavia. Sadko Hadzihasanovic humorously explores how remnants of the communist past and icons of Western popular culture can blend together to form a new cultural identity.

In her work, the artist is interested in the use, even concealment, of ideological and historical clues that are articulated through ironic and humorous language. Since his arrival in Canada, man has been fascinated by this new culture in which he has found himself immersed and has been walking the field of popular culture and consumer society. By interpreting wallpaper and packaging motifs in a pop art style, Hadzihasanovic criticizes the emptiness of commercial imagery.

Sadko Hadzihasanovic

Sadko Hadzihasanovic was born in Bihac, Bosnia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo and at the University of Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia where he completed a Master's degree in 1984. Since emigrating to Canada in 1993, his work has been exhibited in numerous galleries at home and abroad, including : Red Head Gallery (Toronto), Artcite (Windsor), Neutral Ground (Regina), Langage Plus (Alma), Grunt Gallery (Vancouver), Saw Gallery (Ottawa), Observatoire 4 (Montreal), Eastern Edge (St. John's) and the Canadian Museum of Nature (Toronto). Eastern Edge (St. John's), Espace Virtuel (Saguenay), VU (Quebec City), SAGAMIE (Alma), Paul Petro Contemporary Art (Toronto) and Kunsthaus Santa Fé (Mexico City). His work has also been presented in several international biennials and is part of numerous public and private collections.

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