En cours de route
Corine Lemieux
Corine Lemieux and Anne-Marie Ninacs
French and English
German binding
11 x 7 in.

En cours de route

The publication En cours de route by Corine Lemieux proposes a photographic circuit composed of situations from everyday life. The images chosen and organized in a circuit deal with the subtlety of human interactions while opening our consciousness to the availability of the artistic elements that surround us. Without staging, the artist photographs situations as they present themselves to her during encounters or activities of daily life. In her work, the photographic mechanics metaphorise our inner mechanics, our moments of opening and closing, the intensity of our sensitivity. Thus, she produces series that question the complexity of human relationships (series of accolades, links, meetings, portraits, crossings, connections), the elusive nature of phenomena (series of obstacles, blurs, out-of-field, reflections, shadows, light), transitions and deaths (series of corpses, wounds, still lifes, offerings), the places with which we cohabit (series of environments, ambiences, house, workshop) or a series of found words that in some way name all these realities.

Corine Lemieux

Corine Lemieux is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Montreal. She holds a Bachelor's degree in visual arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her work has been presented in several venues in Quebec, Canada and Italy. She has exhibited at Skol (Montreal, 1998), Galerie Clark (Montreal), Œil de Poisson (Quebec City), Espace Virtuel (Chicoutimi), Galerie 101 (Ottawa), Optica (Montreal) and Galerie Joyce Yahouda (Montreal). She participated in the exhibition Amériche presented in Milan, Italy, at La Fabbrica Del Vapore. In parallel to her individual practice, Corine Lemieux formed, from 2004 to 2009, the VIA collective with artists Sylvie Cotton and Massimo Guerrera; together, they participated in the Baie-Saint-Paul International Symposium of Contemporary Art and in État d'urgence organized by ATSA, among others.

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