Behavioural Artifacts / Artefacts comportementaux
45,00 $
Yanik Potvin
Paul Kawczak, Manek Kolhatkar and Yanik Potvin
French and English
German binding
27.94 cm × 22.86 cm
Co-published by Centre SAGAMIE and Éditions OQP

Behavioural Artifacts / Artefacts comportementaux

This publication reports on artist Yanik Potvin's research into the practice of ceramics. During a residency at Chicoutimi's Centre Bang, Potvin performed clay with other artists, amalgamating the event with the practice of the object. Following on from this project, and based on Yanik's practice, an archaeologist and a writer each take a historical and anthropological, as well as artistic and philosophical, look at this decompartmentalized discipline. The artist also offers his research writings on the context of production and the process of transformation of clay as a human as well as an artistic production. He expresses the desire to create "[...] new contours that will lay the groundwork for a creative anthropology".

Excerpt from Paul Kawczak's text:

Visiting Yanik Potvin in residence at Chicoutimi's Centre Bang in the summer of 2021, I saw him open a clay cow and pull out its innards. The two rooms in which he worked had no windows. He was working in a cave. The white-cube like a cave. He represented in clay the intestines of a cow, a relative of the bison gutted and furious at man, agonizing in the well scene. The cow was placid, as if complicit in death, but its entrails arrested the human gaze as they did thousands of years ago.

Yanik Potvin

Yanik Potvin holds a certificate in biology (UQAM), a bachelor's degree in anthropology specialized in ethnolinguistics (UdM) as well as a master's degree in visual arts (UQAC). He worked as a professional archaeologist between 2004 and 2018. Since 2012, his work has been presented in several regions of Quebec, Alberta, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Greece and the United States. He is a founding member of the META group (2019), focused on ceramic research. He is a lecturer in the Department of Arts, Letters and Language (DALL) at UQAC and is currently a doctoral student in art studies and practices at UQAM. He lives and works in Hébertville, Québec.

Manek Kolhatkar

Manek Kolhatkar is an archaeologist. He holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Université de Montréal. Since 2006, he has worked as a consultant for various archaeological firms in Quebec. His research interests include lithic technology, skills, digital technology, taphonomy and epistemology. He is currently leading a public and digital archaeology project on the Lower North Shore.

Paul Kawczak

Paul Kawczak is an editor with Editions La Peuplade. He is the author of several books and writes regularly on art. He has lived in Quebec since 2011.

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