André Lapointe
40,00 $
André Lapointe
John K. Grande and Flavie Boucher
French and English
26.6 cm x 33 cm, 148 pages, color, German cover

André Lapointe

This monograph by André Lapointe details more than 40 years of the artist's sculptural career through a host of images and two essays by John K. Grande and Flavie Boucher.

Excerpt from John K. Grande:

André Lapointe's artistic work has less to do with the production of objects that unfold in space than with the construction of a narrative dealing with our immediate connection with nature and the place of culture in this space. His sculptural practice reaffirms that art, like the earth in which we live, is neither object nor subject, and that we participate in the uninterrupted course of nature.

Text by Flavie Boucher :

André Lapointe is a humble artist, faithful to his thinking, to a thread that runs through his work, improving with each passing year. Even if the non-Atlantic art world sometimes gives him timid recognition, Lapointe pursues his trajectory within a community that disregards the art market so as not to distort the singularity of the work and the artist.

André Lapointe

Born in Mont-Louis, Gaspé, André Lapointe divides his time between Dieppe, New Brunswick, and Saint-Ulric, Quebec. Since his first solo exhibition in 1984, his work has been shown throughout Quebec, the Maritimes and internationally. He has taken part in some twenty symposia and produced a variety of environmental works.

John K. Grande

John K. Grande's writings have appeared in Artforum, Vice Versa, Art Papers, British Journal of Photography, Burlington Magazine, Lensculture, Interalia, ARTE ES, Espace, Border Crossings, Public Art Review and Landscape Architecture, among others.‍

Flavie Boucher

Flavie Boucher is originally from Montreal and lives in Matanie in the Lower St. Lawrence region. She holds a master's degree in museology and completed her doctoral studies in art history at the Université de Montréal, under the direction of Louise Vigneault. Her research focuses on folk art and art brut in Quebec and its relationship to national identity.

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