Through the medium of film photography, I explore how what surrounds us also becomes what inhabits us. By cultivating a sensitivity gaze, I create images that broaden and deepen our perceptions of the environment. It is a reflection that takes root through my research on ecofeminism and queer ecology, through an interest in fostering a relationship of reciprocity towards what surrounds us and what we are.

In creation I am looking for a particular rhythm: bursts of thought, accidental surprise, the art of tricking your head to get closer to a true essence. In my process, there are many silences, observations. Witnessing every step in the void, walking in the dark. Allowing yourself the right not to know, not to understand. Also, what am I preventing myself from thinking about, what am I running away from, why? I let myself be guided by a kind of intuitive slowness that is filled with curiosity, I want to feel what is happening, to listen.

Born in the Acadian Peninsula in Eastern Canada, Marika Drolet-Ferguson works mainly in film photography and pursues her research in visual arts by exploring how the land that surrounds us also comes to inhabit us. She has completed several creative residencies and presented her work in exhibitions in Canada, Sweden and Iceland. She has been selected to produce public artworks and has also participated in various events including the Symposium Art/Nature in Moncton, NB and the Fair of Alternative Art in Sudbury, Ontario. Her work has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the New Brunswick Arts Board. In addition, Marika has been a lecturer at Université de Moncton, NB and Université Laval, Qc.