Manoushka Larouche

Manoushka Larouche works with photographic protocols, performance, writing and documents as paratexts to exhibitions. She develos her projects around questions related to the conditions of existence of the subject and explores the connection between the notion of image and liminality. Her research takes a critical look at the subject’s existential value. She presented her work at VU Photo, Le LOBE, Dazibao, Galerie UQO, CIRCA art actuel, AXENEO7, local E6-03 and Galerie qui tuffera pas 3 ans. She also works as a photographer on her project Document original.

Karine Savard

Karine Savard has been designing film posters for over fifteen years. Her work as a poster artist has won numerous awards, and has been included in the collections of Berlin's Kunstbibliothek. As a researcher, she addresses issues about work, for example regarding her own status as a freelance worker in the cultural industry, through the subversion of advertising spaces for artistic means. Her work has been presented at Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen, Diagonale, Musée d'art de Joliette, Galerie R3 and Dazibao.

During this residency, the artists will shape a publication related to a collective and ephemeral poster intervention that took place in the streets of Montreal, Ottawa and Gatineau in the fall of 2019. This project seeks to highlight the significance of an affiliation community that developed through work and exchanges with the professor, artist, and anthropologist David Tomas, who passed away in spring 2019.